Ceremonial Cacao: Using Cacao for Spiritual Purposes

For millennia, cacao, the main ingredient in our favourite chocolate, has been treasured for its delicious taste and spiritual value. Before chocolate bars and cacao drinks were mass manufactured, Central and South American indigenous religions worshipped cacao as a powerful spiritual ally. There is a mirage of uses and benefits of ceremonial cacao, from it’s connection nature and into a world of depth beyond its physical benefits into the spiritual and psychological aspects of this heart opening medicine.

The Ancient Roots of Ceremonial Cacao

The history of cacao is as complex as its deliciousness. The ancient origins of ceremonial cacao intertwine a balance of spiritual ideals, cultural practices, and traditional rites. Spiritual beliefs, cultural practices, and ancient rituals transcend millennia and civilisations.

1. The Mayans: Pioneers in Cacao Cultivation

The Mayan peoples of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala were among the first to recognise cacao's spiritual and nutritional advantages. The cacao tree, also known as "Theobroma cacao," meaning "food of the gods," was considered a gift from the gods and was vital to their civilisation.

Cacao was intricately woven into the fabric of Mayan spirituality and daily life. It was utilised in sacred ceremonies, such as weddings, where the couple exchanged cacao beans to symbolise their union. The Mayans also believed that cacao had the power to grant them access to the spiritual realm, and shamans and spiritual leaders often consumed it during rituals to communicate with the gods.

2. The Aztecs: Cacao as a Symbol of Wealth and Power

Moving to the Aztecs, for whom cacao beans were not only a spiritual conduit but also a symbol of wealth, power, and societal standing. The Aztecs utilised cacao beans as a form of currency and a tribute (tax) that commoners would pay to the nobility. The beans were highly valued and often stored in guarded vaults.

In the spiritual context, the Aztecs believed that cacao was bestowed upon them by the feathered serpent god, Quetzalcoatl, who brought the cacao tree to humans as a gift. The beverage made from cacao, "xocolātl," was reserved for the elite and the warriors, and it was often consumed during sacred ceremonies and rituals to seek favour from the gods.

3. Cacao in Death and Afterlife Beliefs

The Mayans and the Aztecs believed in an intricate afterlife, and cacao also found its place within these beliefs. The Mayans were buried with cacao beans to pay the gods and spirits in the afterlife, while the Aztecs believed that the beverage would aid them in their journey through the underworld.

4. The Confluence of Cultures

The Spanish invasion of the Americas in the early 16th century changed cacao history. After arriving in the New World, the Spaniards discovered cacao's spiritual and culinary realms. They were initially apprehensive and dissatisfied (some believed the traditional beverage tasted bitter), but they soon discovered the indigenous people's value of cacao. It became part of their routines.

Spaniards added sugar to the bitter cacao drink to make it more attractive to Europeans. Once returning to Spain, it became popular among the aristocratic classes. However, as cacao crossed the ocean, its spiritual significance was lost or diminished, leading to its culinary and commercial use today.

5. In Reflection

The ancient roots of ceremonial cacao are deeply embedded in a rich history of reverence, spirituality, and societal practices. As we sip on a cup of cacao, we are, in essence, partaking in a tradition that has been celebrated, honoured, and cherished by ancient civilisations, each sip whispering tales of gods, rituals, and ancient ceremonies. The spiritual essence of cacao, though not as widely recognised in our modern world, continues to be honoured by those who seek to explore this divine plant's deeper, more sacred aspects.


The Spiritual Significance of Cacao

Embarking on a journey through the spiritual realms of cacao, we find a rich tapestry of beliefs and practices woven through centuries and across cultures. Cacao, revered for its delightful flavour and profound spiritual resonance, has been a conduit for connecting with the divine, facilitating emotional release, and fostering communal bonds.

1. Opening the Heart Chakra

Cacao is often called a "heart opener" due to its physiological and spiritual impacts on the heart chakra, an energy centre in the middle of the chest. The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and interconnectedness. When consumed with intention, cacao is believed to:

  • Facilitate Emotional Expression: The gentle stimulation of cacao allows emotions to surface, providing an opportunity for expression and release.
  • Enhance Empathy: By opening the heart, cacao allows individuals to connect with and understand the emotions of others, fostering deeper, empathetic connections.

2. Enhancing Meditation and Visionary Experiences

Shamans and spiritual seekers have utilised Cacao to enhance meditative and visionary experiences. The subtle psychoactive properties of cacao can:

  • Deepen Meditation Practices: The compounds in cacao can facilitate a deeper, more focused meditative state, allowing individuals to explore their inner realms with greater clarity.
  • Facilitate Visionary Experiences: Cacao can induce mild visionary experiences in higher doses, providing insights and spiritual guidance.

3. Facilitating Emotional Release

Cacao ceremonies often become a safe haven for emotional release and healing. The spirit of cacao is considered gentle and nurturing, providing a supportive energy for:

  • Emotional Purging: The safe space created in cacao ceremonies allows individuals to let go of pent-up emotions and traumas.
  • Healing Past Wounds: The reflective quality of cacao can bring forth suppressed memories and emotions, providing an opportunity for healing and reconciliation.

4. Strengthening Community Bonds

Community and connection are at the heart of many cacao ceremonies. The act of coming together to share in the consumption of cacao has been a practice that:

  • Foster's Unity: Sharing a spiritual and emotional journey through cacao can create a profound unity among participants.
  • Builds Trust: Engaging in vulnerable, heart-open experiences with others can build trust and strengthen relationships within a community.

5. Bridging the Physical and Spiritual Realms

Cacao is often viewed as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. Through cacao ceremonies, participants may:

  • Communicate with the Divine: Many indigenous cultures believe cacao allows them to communicate with their gods or spiritual entities.
  • Receive Spiritual Insights: The reflective nature of cacao ceremonies can provide clarity and guidance on one’s spiritual path.

The spiritual significance of cacao permeates through various aspects of emotional, mental, and communal well-being. It's a gentle yet powerful plant medicine that has been respected and utilised for centuries, offering a pathway to explore the depths of our inner worlds and connect with the world around us in a meaningful, heart-centred way. As we explore the spiritual facets of cacao, we find a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary practice, inviting us to sip, savour, and explore the sacred essence within each bean.

How to Participate in a Cacao Ceremony

A cacao ceremony is a sacred ritual practised for centuries, offering participants an opportunity to connect deeply with themselves, others, and the spirit of the cacao plant. If you're intrigued by participating in such a ceremony, understanding its nuances can enhance your experience. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate and immerse yourself in a cacao ceremony:

1. Source Pure Cacao

  • Quality Matters: Using high-quality, pure cacao for a genuine ceremonial experience is essential. Commercial chocolates or cocoa powders often contain additives and have undergone processes that dilute the potency and purity of the cacao.
  • Ethical Sourcing: Seek out ethically sourced cacao, supporting indigenous farmers and ensuring the sustainability of cacao cultivation.
  • Ceremonial-Grade Cacao: This type of cacao is specifically prepared for spiritual and ceremonial use. It retains the full spectrum of its medicinal properties and is often hand-processed with reverence and intention.

2. Set an Intention

  • Personal Reflection: Before the ceremony, spend some time in reflection. What are you seeking from this experience? It could be clarity, healing, connection, or simply exploring the unknown.
  • Shared Intentions: If participating in a group, there may be a collective intention set for the ceremony, aligning the energy and purpose of all participants.

3. Prepare the Cacao

  • Traditional Recipe: Cacao is typically mixed with only water, Some traditions have included flavouring Cacao with cinnamon, honey, or chilli for increased benefits, flavour and energy. After that, the mixture is heated and whipped until smooth and frothy.
  • Dosage: Normal ceremonial cacao doses are one to two ounces; however, this can vary based on sensitivity and ritual.

4. Create a Sacred Space

  • Environment: Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. This could be indoors or in nature, depending on your preference and the nature of the ceremony.
  • Altar Setup: Consider setting up an altar with items that hold personal significance, such as crystals, feathers, candles or flowers. 
  • Cleansing: Purify the space using sage, palo santo, or other smudging material. This helps clear any negative energies and sets the tone for the ceremony.

5. Drink and Reflect

  • Mindful Consumption: Sip the cacao slowly, savouring its taste and warmth. Visualise the cacao energy flowing through you as you drink, opening your heart and mind.
  • Meditation: After drinking, close your eyes and enter a meditative state. Allow the cacao to guide your journey, whether it's through introspection, visualisation, or emotional exploration.

6. Engage in Complementary Practices

  • Movement: Some ceremonies incorporate gentle movement or dance to help integrate the cacao energy throughout the body.
  • Sound Healing: Instruments like drums, singing bowls, or chants can be used to elevate the vibrational energy of the ceremony.
  • Journaling: Writing down your experiences, insights, or emotions can be a powerful way to process and remember the ceremony.

7. Close the Ceremony

  • Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude to the cacao spirit, the participants, and yourself for the journey undertaken.
  • Grounding: After the ceremony, engage in grounding activities like walking barefoot on the earth, eating a light snack, or simply resting to integrate the experience.

Participating in a cacao ceremony is a deeply personal and transformative experience. Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned participant, approaching the ceremony with an open heart, respect, and intention will ensure a meaningful and enriching journey with the sacred spirit of Mother Cacao.

A Word of Caution

While cacao is revered for its spiritual and therapeutic properties, it's essential to approach its consumption with mindfulness and awareness, especially in a ceremonial context. Cacao is potent, and its effects can be profound physically and emotionally.

Theobromine, a natural stimulant in cacao, can raise heart rate and blood pressure in cardiac patients. This may worry those with pre-existing illnesses or medicines that may interact negatively with these consequences. Cacao may trigger palpitations, anxiety, and sleepiness in stimulant-sensitive people.

Furthermore, the emotional and spiritual depth that a cacao ceremony can reach might bring up intense or unexpected emotions. Participants might find themselves confronting suppressed memories, traumas, or feelings. While this can be therapeutic and healing, it can also be overwhelming, especially without proper guidance or support. Ensuring the ceremony is led by a knowledgeable and experienced guide or shaman who can provide a safe and supportive environment for such emotional journeys is crucial.

Most individuals may safely ingest cacao, but combining it with other recreational or medicinal substances may have unintended consequences. Talk to a healthcare professional if you're new to the practices or need clarification on pharmaceutical interactions.

Despite its beauty and transformative power, the cacao ceremony must be approached with respect, awareness, and obligation to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.

Embark on a Spiritual Journey with Sacred's Ceremony - Ceremonial Cacao

In the sacred embrace of Mother Cacao, we find a gentle yet profound path to wellness, spiritual exploration, and a deepened connection with the world around us. Sacred Ceremonial Cacao is not merely a beverage; it's an invitation to traverse this path, crafted meticulously with love, gratitude, and blessings that permeate every grain of our cacao.

Our cacao is more than a drink; it's a ritual, a moment of pause, and a return to oneself. Our carefully formulated Ceremony cacao assists in calming the mind, relaxing the nervous system, and opening the heart to cacao's potent therapeutic powers. It is an ally in your spiritual practice, a tool to enhance well-being, elevate intuition, and deepen your connection to Self, Spirit, and the nurturing arms of Mother Nature.

Made with 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Heirloom Criollo Cacao Mass, each sip is a whisper of ancient traditions, a subtle embrace of the earth’s vitality. But the journey doesn’t stop here; we invite you to explore our four additional flavours, each a unique blend, a different journey through the senses:

  • EARTH - Original Cacao: Our original blend of cacao, a classic, rich, soulful blend that is grounding and comforting. Enjoy the decadent blend of Sacred Cacao while anchoring back to Mother Nature.  https://sacredtaste.com/products/earth-original-cacao   
  • FIRE - Chilli Cacao: A spicy twist for the adventurous soul, igniting your inner fire, passions and purpose. Enjoy our Sacred Fire as it sparks up your digestive system and boosts your metabolism.  https://sacredtaste.com/products/fire-chilli-cacao   
  • LOVE - Rose Cacao: Infused with the essence of rose petal powder, this heart opening blend encourages you to drop into self love and compassion for a nourishing, nurturing experience.  https://sacredtaste.com/products/love-rose-cacao   
  • VITALITY - Matcha Mint Cacao: A refreshing blend that invigorates your mind, body and soul. Revitalises your energy as you increase focus, productively and clarity. https://sacredtaste.com/products/vitality-matcha-mint-cacao 
  • CEREMONY - Experience the sacredness and purity of Cacao with our Sacred Ceremony, a blend that pays respect to the ancestral roots of cacao. An honour of traditions and rituals, allowing you to connect with the divine essence of Mother Cacao in its most authentic form. https://sacredtaste.com/products/ceremony

For those whose spirits dance with adventure, we’ve curated special bundles to elevate your cacao experience:

  • SACRED 4 FLAVOUR PACK WITH SPOON & WHISK: A journey through each unique flavour, accompanied by our specially designed serving spoon and whisk.
  • "NOURISHING NATURE" BUNDLE: A lovingly assembled kit to nourish your body and spirit.
  • THE ULTIMATE CACAO BUNDLE: An all-encompassing collection for the ultimate cacao connoisseur.

To ensure your cacao experience is complete and truly sacred, our cacao powders are accompanied by the SACRED SERVING SPOON, SACRED MINI COPPER WHISK, and SACRED KEEP CUP 300ML, each item crafted to enhance your ritual and journey with cacao.

Sacred encompasses our worldview, not simply a title. We ensure that your Drinking Cacao will be healthy and enjoyable since our products are high-quality, organic, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, preservative-free, and vegan. We are proud to provide Drinking Cacao that nourishes lives and protects the environment. Wellness and sustainability underpin this basis. Our commitment extends to protecting Indigenous Lands, from where our cherished cacao originates, ensuring that every sip celebrates the earth and its abundant gifts.

Join us in a sacred flavour, wellness, and spirit journey with Sacred's CEREMONY - Ceremonial Cacao. May each sip be a blessing, a moment of peace, and a step towards deeper connection and well-being.


Ceremonial cacao bridges the earthly and the divine, the past and the present. As we sip this ancient beverage, we're tasting its richness and partaking in a tradition that has uplifted souls for centuries. Whether you're seeking spiritual insight, emotional healing, or simply a deeper connection to the world around you, cacao can be a powerful ally on your journey.

Content Summary

  • For millennia, cacao, the main ingredient in our favourite chocolate, has been treasured for its delicious taste and spiritual value.
  • Before chocolate bars and cacao drinks were mass manufactured, Central and South American indigenous religions worshipped cacao as a powerful spiritual ally.
  • The history of cacao is as complex as its deliciousness.
  • The ancient origins of ceremonial cacao weave a tapestry of spiritual ideals, cultural practises, and traditional rites.
  • The cacao tree, also known as "Theobroma cacao," meaning "food of the gods," was considered a gift from the gods and was vital to their civilisation.
  • Cacao was intricately woven into the fabric of Mayan spirituality and daily life.
  • Moving to the Aztecs, for whom cacao beans were not only a spiritual conduit but also a symbol of wealth, power, and societal standing.
  • The Spanish invasion of the Americas in the early 16th century changed cacao history.
  • After arriving in the New World, the Spaniards discovered cacao's spiritual and culinary realms.
  • However, as cacao crossed the ocean, its spiritual significance was lost or diminished, leading to its culinary and commercial use today.
  • The ancient roots of ceremonial cacao are deeply embedded in a rich history of reverence, spirituality, and societal practices.
  • The spiritual essence of cacao, though perhaps not as widely recognised in our modern world, continues to be honoured by those who seek to explore this divine plant's deeper, more sacred aspects.
  • Embarking on a journey through the spiritual realms of cacao, we find a rich tapestry of beliefs and practices woven through centuries and across cultures.
  • Cacao, revered for its delightful flavour and profound spiritual resonance, has been a conduit for connecting with the divine, facilitating emotional release, and fostering communal bonds.
  • Cacao is often called a "heart opener" due to its physiological and spiritual impacts on the heart chakra, an energy centre in the middle of the chest.
  • The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and interconnectedness.
  • By opening the heart, cacao allows individuals to connect with and understand the emotions of others, fostering deeper, empathetic connections.
  • Cacao ceremonies often become a safe haven for emotional release and healing.
  • Community and connection are at the heart of many cacao ceremonies.
  • Cacao is often viewed as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.
  • The reflective nature of cacao ceremonies can provide clarity and guidance on one's spiritual path.
  • The spiritual significance of cacao permeates through various aspects of emotional, mental, and communal well-being.
  • It's a gentle yet powerful plant medicine that has been respected and utilised for centuries, offering a pathway to explore the depths of our inner worlds and connect with the world around us in a meaningful, heart-centred way.
  • As we explore the spiritual facets of cacao, we find a harmonious blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary practice, inviting us to sip, savour, and explore the sacred essence within each bean.
  • The cacao ceremony is a sacred ritual practised for centuries, offering participants an opportunity to connect deeply with themselves, others, and the spirit of the cacao plant.
  • If you're intrigued by participating in such a ceremony, understanding its nuances can enhance your experience.
  • This type of cacao is specifically prepared for spiritual and ceremonial use.
  • Before the ceremony, spend some time in reflection.
  • Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.
  • This could be indoors or in nature, depending on your preference and the nature of the ceremony.
  • This helps clear any negative energies and sets the tone for the ceremony.
  • Participating in a cacao ceremony is a deeply personal and transformative experience.
  • Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned participant, approaching the ceremony with an open heart, respect, and intention will ensure a meaningful and enriching journey with the sacred spirit of cacao.
  • While cacao is revered for its spiritual and therapeutic properties, it's essential to approach its consumption with mindfulness and awareness, especially in a ceremonial context.
  • Cacao is potent, and its effects can be profound physically and emotionally.
  • Furthermore, the emotional and spiritual depth that a cacao ceremony can reach might bring up intense or unexpected emotions.
  • Ensuring that the ceremony is led by a knowledgeable and experienced guide or shaman who can provide a safe and supportive environment for such emotional journeys is crucial.
  • Despite its beauty and transformative power, the cacao ceremony must be approached with respect, awareness, and obligation to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.
  • In the sacred embrace of cacao, we find a gentle yet profound path to wellness, spiritual exploration, and a deepened connection with the world around us.
  • Our cacao is more than a drink; it's a ritual, a moment of pause, and a return to oneself.
  • Made with 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Heirloom Criollo Cacao Mass, each sip is a whisper of ancient traditions, a subtle embrace of the earth's vitality.
  • But the journey doesn't stop here; we invite you to explore our four additional flavours, each a unique blend, a different journey through the senses: EARTH - ORIGINAL CACAO: A classic, rich journey into the heart of cacao.
  • For those whose spirits dance with adventure, we've curated special bundles to elevate your cacao experience: SACRED 4 FLAVOUR PACK WITH SPOON & WHISK: A journey through each unique flavour, accompanied by our specially designed serving spoon and whisk.
  • To ensure your cacao experience is complete and truly sacred, our cacao powders are accompanied by the SACRED SERVING SPOON, SACRED MINI COPPER WHISK, and SACRED KEEP CUP 300ML, each item crafted to enhance your ritual and journey with cacao.
  • We ensure that your Drinking Cacao will be healthy and enjoyable since our products are high-quality, organic, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, preservative-free, and vegan.
  • We are proud to provide Drinking Cacao that nourishes lives and protects the environment.
  • Join us in a sacred flavour, wellness, and spirit journey with Sacred's CEREMONY - Ceremonial Cacao.


What is ceremonial cacao, and how is it different from regular chocolate?

Ceremonial cacao is cultivated specifically for religious and ceremonial use and undergoes minimum processing to maintain its natural qualities. Ceremony cacao is usually pure, unlike commercial chocolate, which sometimes contains sugars, milk, and other additives. Ceremonial cacao may be mixed with spices or honey during ceremonies. It is used for introspection, emotional release, and spiritual exploration, fostering a deep connection with oneself and others.

How does cacao affect the body and mind during a ceremony?

Cacao contains compounds like theobromine and phenethylamine, which can stimulate the body and elevate mood. Participants in a cacao ceremony might experience heightened senses, increased focus, and a gentle elevation of mood, which can facilitate deeper meditation and emotional release. The experience is often described as heart-opening, as cacao can also stimulate the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

Can anyone participate in a cacao ceremony?

While cacao ceremonies are generally inclusive and open to all, individuals with certain health conditions, such as heart issues or sensitivities to stimulants, should approach cautiously. Pregnant or breastfeeding individuals and those on specific medications should consult a healthcare professional before participating. Additionally, it's essential to ensure that the ceremony is conducted in a safe and supportive environment, especially for those exploring deep emotional or spiritual work.

What can I expect during a cacao ceremony?

A cacao ceremony is a spiritual journey that typically involves consuming cacao prepared ritualistically and engaging in various activities like meditation, chanting, or introspective practices. The ceremony might include sound healing, guided meditation, or group sharing. Participants often describe experiencing emotional releases, insights, or heightened awareness during the ceremony. However, experiences can vary widely and are deeply personal.

How can I prepare for my first cacao ceremony?

Preparing for a cacao ceremony involves both physical and mental readiness. Physically, it's recommended to avoid consuming large meals just before the ceremony and to stay hydrated. Mentally, take some time to reflect on your intentions for the ceremony. Approach the experience with an open heart and mind, ready to embrace whatever arises during the ceremony. Ensure you are in a comfortable and safe environment, and share the space with individuals who respect and support your spiritual journey.

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