The Beauty of Raw Cacao as a Superfood for Better Health

The Theobroma cacao tree hides its treasure under a cascade of beautiful pods in the lush tropics, where nature's brightest colours and smells shine. Raw cacao, sometimes called "food of the gods," is more than simply a component; it's a gateway to a world of good living and hedonistic delights. Let's explore these beans' lovely and useful qualities.

A Glimpse into the Rich Tapestry of Cacao

In the rainforests, where the air is perpetually infused with the sweet, musky scent of myriad flora, the Theobroma cacao tree is a testament to nature’s boundless generosity. Its name, derived from the Greek words 'theos' (god) and 'broma' (food), aptly translates to "food of the gods," revealing a hint of the reverence bestowed upon it by ancient civilisations.

The cacao tree, with its broad, dark green leaves, shelters many large, oblong pods, each a vibrant kaleidoscope of yellow, orange, and red hues. While enchanting in their external appearance, these pods harbour the true treasure within cacao beans. Enveloped in a sweet, white pulp, the beans lay in wait, destined to be transformed into a myriad of delectable creations.

The journey of cacao begins with a delicate, intricate dance of nature. The cacao flowers, tiny and ethereal, rely on midges - small, unassuming insects - for pollination. This symbiotic relationship, a gentle exchange of sustenance and life, sets the stage for the emergence of the cacao pods.

Historically, the allure of cacao traversed beyond its rich, bitter flavour. The Mayans, one of the earliest civilisations to cultivate cacao, revered these beans as a culinary delight and a medium through which they could commune with the divine. Cacao beans were intricately woven into their religious, social, and economic tapestry, utilised in sacred ceremonies, offered as gifts to the gods, and even employed as currency.

The Aztecs, too, embraced cacao with genuine admiration. For them, cacao was a symbol of luxury and opulence, a beverage reserved for the elite and warriors, and a worthy offering to their deities. The bubbly, spiced cacao beverages crafted by the Aztecs were believed to confer strength, vitality, and aphrodisiacal powers, further entwining cacao with notions of power and masculinity.

As cacao beans meandered their way across oceans and continents, their reception in new lands was met with equal parts scepticism and fascination. In Europe, once the exclusive domain of royalty and the elite, cacao gradually permeated through societal strata, evolving into an array of creations that seduced palates and captured hearts across the globe.

In contemporary times, while cacao is often cloaked in sugary confections, there is a rekindling of appreciation for it in its purest, raw form. Unprocessed and minimally altered, Raw cacao retains its robust nutritional profile, offering a feast for the senses and a myriad of health benefits.

The tapestry of cacao is rich, interwoven with threads of history, culture, and a timeless reverence for its multifaceted offerings. It stands as a symbol of abundance, vitality, and nature's profound, nurturing generosity, inviting us to delve deeper, explore, savour, and celebrate its bittersweet, enchanting essence.


The Nutritional Symphony Within

1. Antioxidant Abundance: A Melody of Cellular Protection

Raw cacao is abundant in antioxidants, boasting a composition rich in polyphenols, particularly flavonoids. These potent compounds orchestrate a powerful defence against oxidative stress, neutralising free radicals that seek to impair cellular function and accelerate aging. Our antioxidant rich cacao not only shields our cells but also enhances our skin’s resilience against environmental aggressors, fostering a complexion that radiates vitality and youthfulness.

2. Magnesium: The Rhythmic Conductor of Physiological Harmony

Magnesium, a mineral generously bestowed by cacao, conducts our body’s physiological symphony with finesse and precision. It ensures our heart beats with a steady, rhythmic pulse while facilitating the serene flow of nerve impulses throughout our neural networks. Furthermore, magnesium whispers to our muscles, encouraging them to relax and contract harmoniously, and converses with our bones, fortifying their density and strength.

3. Iron: The Harmonious Flow of Vitality

Iron, another precious mineral found in cacao, is pivotal in sustaining the harmonious flow of oxygen, ensuring that every cell is bathed in life-giving vitality. It is instrumental in synthesising hemoglobin, enabling our red blood cells to transport oxygen from our lungs to every corner of our body, invigorating each cell with the breath of life.

4. Fibre: The Gentle Undulation of Digestive Wellness

The fibre in cacao nurtures our gut, facilitating the smooth, rhythmic movement of digestion and ensuring that nutrients are adeptly absorbed and waste seamlessly expelled. This gentle undulation fosters a gut environment conducive to the flourishing of beneficial bacteria, enhancing our overall digestive wellness and immune resilience.

5. Mood-Enhancing Compounds: A Symphony of Emotional Elevation

The cacao bean is also a reservoir of compounds that elevate our emotional and mental landscapes. Theobromine, a gentle stimulant, bestows a subtle, sustained elevation of energy and mood without the jarring crescendo experienced with caffeine. Phenylethylamine (PEA), often dubbed the ‘love chemical,’ promotes elevation of mood and well-being, while anandamide, the ‘bliss molecule,’ bathes our being in a gentle, soothing euphoria.

6. Healthy Fats: The Silken Threads of Cardiovascular Wellness

Cacao butter, the fat derived from cacao beans, weaves a silken thread through our cardiovascular system. Comprising healthy saturated and monounsaturated fats, cacao butter provides a luscious, creamy texture to cacao blends. It nurtures our hearts and vessels, supporting a cardiovascular system that flows easily and vitality.

The Heart – A Grateful Recipient of Cacao’s Blessings

1. A Symphony of Flavanols: Nurturing Circulatory Grace

The heart, a ceaseless giver pulsating rhythmically, bestowing life-affirming blood to every cellular inhabitant of our body, finds a gentle ally in raw cacao. The flavanols, a subgroup of polyphenolic antioxidants, envelop our circulatory system with nurturing care. They encourage the dilation of blood vessels, ensuring that the life-giving river of our circulatory system flows with ease and grace, delivering nutrients and oxygen to every cell with rhythmic precision.

2. A Whisper to Blood Pressure: The Gentle Embrace of Regulation

Cacao, with its rich array of antioxidants, supports our blood pressure, coaxing it into a gentle embrace of stability and balance. The flavanols within interact with nitric oxide in our blood, encouraging its production and thereby facilitating the relaxation and dilation of blood vessels. This subtle yet profound interaction fosters an environment where blood can traverse our vasculature with minimal resistance, supporting a blood pressure that is both stable and harmonious.

3. The Dance of Lipids: Choreographing a Balanced Profile

Cacao regulates cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids in our lipid profile. Polyphenols in cacao can modestly lower LDL cholesterol while maintaining or increasing HDL cholesterol, promoting a healthy lipid profile.

4. Antioxidant Vigilance: The Shield Against Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis, characterised by the accumulation of plaques within our arteries, finds a vigilant adversary in cacao’s antioxidant brigade. The antioxidants stand guard, shielding our arterial walls from oxidative stress and inflammation, two pivotal players in the development of atherosclerosis. This protective vigilance mitigates the risk of plaque formation, ensuring our arteries remain supple, resilient, and free from obstructive impediments.

5. The Heart-Brain Connection: A Harmonious Dialogue

Cacao does not merely converse with our heart; it facilitates a dialogue between our heart and brain, ensuring that the relationship between these vital organs is harmonious and synergistic. The enhanced blood flow, nurtured by cacao flavanols, ensures that our brain is abundantly supplied with the oxygen and nutrients necessary for optimal function. This symbiotic relationship fosters cognitive clarity, mental agility, and an emotionally stable and resilient landscape.

6. Emotional Heartstrings: The Gentle Caress of Well-being

The heart, while a physical entity, is also intrinsically tied to our emotional world. Cacao, with its myriad mood-enhancing compounds, gently caresses our emotional heartstrings, fostering a state of well-being that permeates our entire being. The subtle, uplifting effects of theobromine, coupled with the bliss-inducing properties of anandamide, weave a tapestry of emotional wellness that gently envelops our hearts, minds, and spirits.

A Beacon of Mental Clarity and Emotional Well-Being

In raw cacao, where the bitter meets the sweet, there lies a sanctuary for our mental and emotional selves, where clarity and well-being are not mere visitors but cherished inhabitants. The journey of cacao from a humble bean to a beacon of mental vitality is a tale steeped in rich, aromatic layers of neurochemical interactions and sensory indulgence.

As we delve into cacao, we are greeted by theobromine, a gentle stimulant that caresses our neural pathways with a soft, uplifting touch. Unlike its more robust cousin, caffeine, theobromine does not jolt our system with a rapid surge of energy. Instead, it bestows us a subtle, sustained elevation of alertness and vitality, allowing our mental faculties to dance in a state of awakened serenity. This gentle arousal of our cognitive self facilitates a clarity of thought and focus that is both refreshing and harmoniously balanced.

In this sanctuary, we also encounter phenylethylamine (PEA). This compound whispers sweet nothings to our neurotransmitters, encouraging them to release endorphins, those blissful messengers that cascade through our being, elevating our mood and gently cradling our spirit in a warm, euphoric embrace. PEA, often affectionately called the 'love chemical,' nurtures a state of well-being as profound as it is gentle, allowing our emotional self to bask in a tranquil, joyous light.

The journey does not end here, for cacao also introduces us to anandamide, the 'bliss molecule,' a fatty acid neurotransmitter that gently permeates our neural landscape, fostering a subtle, serene sense of happiness. Anandamide, named after the Sanskrit word 'ananda,' meaning bliss, softly illuminates our emotional world, allowing us to navigate it calmly and contentedly.

As we immerse ourselves in the mental and emotional sanctuary crafted by cacao, we also become acutely aware of its sensory allure. The rich, bittersweet aroma and flavour of cacao engage our senses in a harmonious embrace, further entwining our mental and emotional selves and overall well-being. This sensory engagement is not merely a passive experience; it actively participates in our emotional and mental vitality, enhancing our perception of pleasure, indulgence, and satisfaction.

In the embrace of cacao, our mental and emotional selves find a haven where clarity and well-being are lovingly nurtured, where the stresses and strains of our external world gently dissolve, allowing our inner world to shine with a radiant, tranquil light. Cacao invites us to linger in this sanctuary, to savour the bittersweet melody of mental clarity and emotional well-being, and to carry these benefits with us as we navigate through the rich, intricate journey of our lives.

A Conduit to Radiant Skin

Our skin finds a gentle yet powerful ally in the world of raw cacao, where each bean is a vessel of potent, nourishing compounds. The journey of cacao, from a vibrant pod hanging from the branches of Theobroma cacao to a beacon of skin health, is a tale that is as rich and complex as the cacao itself.

Raw cacao's bittersweet essence invites our skin to bask in a cascade of antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which stand as vigilant guardians against oxidative stress. These antioxidants weave a protective shield, safeguarding our skin from the harmful effects of free radicals, which seek to impair its structural integrity and vibrant appearance. The result is a complexion that radiates with the youthful vitality and resilience that is so often sought but rarely bestowed.

But the gifts of cacao extend beyond mere protection. Its anti-inflammatory properties, gentle yet profound, soothe our skin, alleviating redness and calming irritations, allowing our skin to exist in a state of serene balance. This equilibrium fosters an environment where our skin can flourish, where its natural healing and regenerative capabilities are optimised, ensuring that our skin remains supple, luminous, and gracefully ageless.

Cacao also gently caresses our skin with a wealth of minerals, notably copper, zinc, and magnesium, each playing a pivotal role in maintaining the health and vitality of our skin. Copper, a co-factor in synthesising collagen and elastin, ensures our skin retains its firm, plump structure. Zinc, a guardian against UV damage and a healer of wounds nurtures our skin’s resilience and accelerates its recovery from injuries. Magnesium, a mineral that is as calming as it is energising, stabilises DNA replication in our skin cells, ensuring that each new cell is a perfect replica of its predecessor.

In the realm of cacao, our skin also finds hydration, not through the cacao itself, but through the luxurious, creamy cacao butter. This emollient, rich in fatty acids, envelops our skin in a hydrating embrace, sealing in moisture and ensuring our skin remains soft, plump, and eternally kissed by a subtle, healthy glow.

As we navigate through the world of cacao, we discover that its benefits are not merely skin deep. While nurturing our skin, the compounds within also permeate through to our emotional and mental selves, fostering a holistic wellness that radiates from the inside out. Our skin, bathed in the nourishing essence of cacao, becomes a reflection of the health and vitality within, a tangible manifestation of the serene balance and vibrant energy that cacao bestows upon our entire being.

Incorporating Raw Cacao into Our Tapestry of Wellness

We build harmonious well-being and delight by exploring raw cacao and weaving its rich, bittersweet threads into our daily lives. Eating raw cacao is not only a question of taste; it's an invitation to experience health, vitality, and pleasure in a wholesome and satisfying way.

Raw cacao is appealing for its strong, intriguing flavour and versatility, which allows it to combine nicely with many dishes. Many dishes use cacao, highlighting its unique and multifaceted characteristics. Consuming Cacao can be from a simple mug of cacao whisked with hot water and a dash of your preferred sweetener to a decadent chocolate dessert.

Smoothies, with a nourishing, vibrant concoction, welcome cacao with open arms, allowing its bittersweet notes to supplement amidst the sweetness of fruits and the creaminess of yoghurts or alternative milks. Cacao nibs, crunchy, flavourful morsels, can be sprinkled atop oatmeal, yoghurt, or even a salad, adding flavour and a cascade of antioxidants with each bite.

Cacao continues to shine, offering both its nutritional bounty and its indulgent flavour to energy balls, granola bars, and even a simple trail mix. With its rich, deep chocolate flavour, Cacao powder can be melded with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, crafting snacks that are not only delicious but also deeply satisfying and energising.

Cacao also finds its place in savoury dishes, where its bitter notes complement and enhance a spectrum of flavours, from the smoky and spicy to the sweet and umami. A mole sauce, for instance, with its intricate layers of cacao, chillies, and spices, is a testament to cacao’s ability to elevate and transform a dish, creating a culinary experience that is both complex and profoundly satisfying.

Cacao is a popular ingredient in cakes, cookies, and pastries with its intense, chocolatey flavour. It blends sweet, sour, and umami flavours to create baked goods that are both tasty and nutritious.

As we use cacao in our cooking, we include it in our wellness journey, allowing its health benefits to permeate our lives. Each cacao bean contains antioxidants, minerals, and mood-enhancing compounds that weave our tapestry. These threads promote physical, mental, and emotional wellness for balanced and flourishing health.

Savouring the Divine with Sacred's Drinking Cacao

In the realms of cacao, where each bean is a vessel of ancient traditions and potent nourishment, our Sacred Drinking Cacao emerges as a beacon of wellness, sustainability, and ethereal flavour. Crafted with reverence for the sacredness of cacao and a commitment to the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants, we invite you on a journey where each sip is a melody of premium, organic, and ethically sourced cacao.

1. Sacred's Offerings: A Palette of Divine Flavours

Our Drinking Cacao is not merely a beverage; it's an experience, a ritual, where the rich, robust flavours of cacao are celebrated in their purest form. Each variant is a symphony of premium, organic cacao, free from gluten, refined sugar, and preservatives, and crafted with the utmost respect for both the environment and the consumer. Vegan-friendly and deeply nourishing, our offerings are a tapestry where flavour, nutrition, and ethical practices are interwoven with mastery.

  • CEREMONY - Experience the sacredness and purity of Cacao with our Sacred Ceremony, a blend that pays respect to the ancestral roots of cacao. An honour of traditions and rituals, allowing you to connect with the divine essence of Mother Cacao in its most authentic form.
  • EARTH - Original Cacao: Our original blend of cacao, a classic, rich, soulful blend that is grounding and comforting. Enjoy the decadent blend of Sacred Cacao while anchoring back to Mother Nature.   
  • FIRE - Chilli Cacao: A spicy twist for the adventurous soul, igniting your inner fire, passions and purpose. Enjoy our Sacred Fire as it sparks up your digestive system and boosts your metabolism.  
  • LOVE - Rose Cacao: Infused with the essence of rose petal powder, this heart opening blend encourages you to drop into self love and compassion for a nourishing, nurturing experience.   
  • VITALITY - Matcha Mint Cacao: A refreshing blend that invigorates your mind, body and soul. Revitalises your energy as you increase focus, productively and clarity.

2. Bundles of Wellness

At Sacred, we also curate exquisite bundles, each a carefully crafted journey through the diverse, enchanting world of cacao:

  • "NOURISHING NATURE" BUNDLE: A celebration of cacao and its nourishing essence.
  • SACRED 4 FLAVOUR PACK WITH SPOON & WHISK: A journey through flavours, complete with tools to craft the perfect beverage.
  • THE ULTIMATE CACAO BUNDLE: An all-encompassing exploration of our divine offerings.

3. Sacred Accessories: Crafting Your Cacao Experience

  • SACRED SERVING SPOON: A tool to measure the perfect serving of cacao, ensuring each cup is crafted to perfection.
  • SACRED MINI COPPER WHISK: A whisk that melds cacao into a smooth, luscious beverage.
  • SACRED KEEP CUP 300ML: A vessel to hold your cacao, ensuring you can savour it wherever your journey takes you.

You can find more details on our products by visiting our website. Enjoy our premium products!

4. A Commitment to Sustainability and Ethical Practices

At Sacred, our Drinking Cacao is rooted in a foundation of wellness and sustainability. It embodies a commitment to nurturing the lives of everyone it touches and honouring the Indigenous Lands from which the cacao is sourced. Each bean is a testament to practices that honour the earth, the farmer, and the consumer, ensuring that the journey from pod to cup is imbued with integrity, respect, and a deep reverence for the sacredness of cacao.

For those who may find the raw cacao bean too bitter or challenging to incorporate into their diet, our Drinking Cacao offers a luscious, accessible alternative. It allows you to immerse yourself in the myriad benefits and rich flavours of cacao in a convenient and versatile form, ensuring that the divine essence of cacao can be savoured in a myriad of moments, from the quiet and contemplative to the lively and social.

In the embrace of Sacred's Drinking Cacao, you are invited to savour the divine, nurture your body, mind, and spirit with each sip, and become a cherished part of a journey where cacao is not merely consumed but celebrated in all its rich, sacred glory.


Raw cacao, in its bittersweet experience, invites you to explore a world where indulgence and health are not mutually exclusive but are harmoniously intertwined. It beckons us to honour our body, mind, and spirit, nurturing them with its rich, nourishing embrace. As we savour its essence, we also enjoy the vitality, clarity, and well-being that unfurls within, celebrating the enchanting allure of this divine superfood.

Content Summary

  • Raw cacao, sometimes called "food of the gods," is more than simply a component; it's a gateway to a world of good living and hedonistic delights.
  • Its name, derived from the Greek words 'theos' (god) and 'broma' (food), aptly translates to "food of the gods," revealing a hint of the reverence bestowed upon it by ancient civilisations.
  • The cacao tree, with its broad, dark green leaves, shelters many large, oblong pods, each a vibrant kaleidoscope of yellow, orange, and red hues.
  • The Mayans, one of the earliest civilisations to cultivate cacao, revered these beans as a culinary delight and a medium through which they could commune with the divine.
  • Unprocessed and minimally altered, Raw cacao retains its robust nutritional profile, offering a feast for the senses and a myriad of health benefits.
  • The tapestry of cacao is rich, interwoven with threads of history, culture, and a timeless reverence for its multifaceted offerings.
  • It stands as a symbol of abundance, vitality, and nature's profound, nurturing generosity, inviting us to delve deeper, explore, savour, and celebrate its bittersweet, enchanting essence.
  • In the subsequent chapters, we shall continue to unravel the myriad layers of cacao, exploring its nutritional bounty, its gentle caress on our physical and emotional well-being, and the myriad ways through which we can invite cacao to enrich our tapestry of life and wellness.
  • Cacao, with its myriad mood-enhancing compounds, gently caresses our emotional heartstrings, fostering a state of well-being that permeates our entire being.
  • The journey of cacao from a humble bean to a beacon of mental vitality is a tale steeped in rich, aromatic layers of neurochemical interactions and sensory indulgence.
  • The journey does not end here, for cacao also introduces us to anandamide, the 'bliss molecule,' a fatty acid neurotransmitter that gently permeates our neural landscape, fostering a subtle, serene sense of happiness.
  • The rich, bittersweet aroma and flavour of cacao engage our senses in a harmonious embrace, further entwining our mental and emotional selves in a tapestry of well-being.
  • Cacao invites us to linger in this sanctuary, to savour the bittersweet melody of mental clarity and emotional well-being, and to carry this melody with us as we navigate through the rich, intricate tapestry of our lives.
  • Our skin finds a gentle yet powerful ally in raw cacao's lush, aromatic world, where each bean is a vessel of potent, nourishing compounds.
  • The journey of cacao, from a vibrant pod hanging from the branches of Theobroma cacao to a beacon of skin health, is a tale that is as rich and complex as the cacao itself.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties, gentle yet profound, soothe our skin, alleviating redness and calming irritations, allowing our skin to exist in a state of serene balance.
  • Cacao also gently caresses our skin with a wealth of minerals, notably copper, zinc, and magnesium, each playing a pivotal role in maintaining the health and vitality of our skin.
  • While nurturing our skin, the compounds within also permeate through to our emotional and mental selves, fostering a holistic wellness that radiates from the inside out.
  • Our skin becomes a reflection of the health and vitality within when it's bathed in the nourishing essence of cacao. It's a tangible manifestation of the serene balance and vibrant energy that cacao bestows upon our entire being.
  • Eating raw cacao invites health, vitality, and pleasure.
  • Raw cacao is appealing for its strong, intriguing flavour and versatility, which allows it to combine nicely with many dishes.
  • Many dishes use cacao, highlighting its unique and multifaceted characteristics.
  • Cacao, with its intense chocolate flavour, is a popular ingredient in cakes, cookies, and pastries.
  • As we include cacao in our cooking, we incorporate its health benefits into our wellness journey.
  • In the realms of cacao, where each bean is a vessel of ancient traditions and potent nourishment, our Drinking Cacao emerges as a beacon of wellness, sustainability, and ethereal flavour.
  • Crafted with respect for the sacredness of cacao and a dedication to the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants, we invite you on a journey where each sip is a melody of premium, organic, and ethically sourced cacao.
  • Our Drinking Cacao is more than just a beverage; it is a full-bodied experience and a cherished ritual that celebrates the pure and robust flavours of cacao.
  • At Sacred, our Drinking Cacao is rooted in a foundation of wellness and sustainability.
  • For those who may find the raw cacao bean too bitter or challenging to incorporate into their diet, our Drinking Cacao offers a luscious, accessible alternative.
  • In the embrace of Sacred's Drinking Cacao, you are invited to savour the divine, nurture your body, mind, and spirit with each sip, and become a cherished part of a journey where cacao is not merely consumed but celebrated in all its rich, sacred glory.


What makes raw cacao a superfood, and how does it differ from regular chocolate?

Raw cacao is considered a "superfood" due to its high concentration of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, such as magnesium, iron, and potassium. Unlike typical chocolate, raw cacao is processed at low temperatures, preserving its nutritious value. It is a more pure and nutrient-rich alternative to normal chocolate since it lacks sugar, milk, and other additives.

How can I eat raw cacao without sweets?

Raw cacao can be effortlessly integrated into your diet in various nutritious and low-sugar ways. Add cacao powder to your smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt to enjoy its rich flavour and health benefits. You might also explore using cacao nibs as a crunchy topping for salads or blending them into nut butters. Moreover, raw cacao can be utilised in savoury dishes, like mole sauce, to add depth and complexity to the flavour profile without contributing additional sugars.

Does raw cacao have adverse effects? Can you eat too much?

Raw cacao is rich in minerals and has many health benefits, but eating too much can cause stomach, anxiety, and sleep issues. This is especially true for cacao theobromine sensitives. Enjoying raw cacao as part of a healthy diet is vital, but you must pay attention to how your body reacts to it to ensure you get enough nutrients and support.

Can individuals with caffeine sensitivities enjoy raw cacao without adverse effects?

Raw cacao contains theobromine, a stimulant structurally similar to caffeine but generally milder in its effects. Some individuals with caffeine sensitivities might tolerate cacao well, while others may experience symptoms like restlessness or rapid heartbeat. Start with minimal cacao, and watch your body if you're nervous about adding it. Consult a doctor if you have questions.

How can I ensure my raw cacao is high-quality and ethically sourced?

Check the container for "Fair Trade" or "Organic" certifications to ensure the raw cacao you buy is high-quality and responsibly sourced. You might also explore brands that provide transparent information about their sourcing practices, ensuring that the cacao is obtained in a manner that supports sustainable farming practices and fair compensation for producers. Additionally, high-quality cacao typically presents a rich, robust flavour and aroma, reflecting its potent nutritional profile.

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