Be More You: Meet Monique Medved

"There’s so much power in creating a space for people to share their story."

Monique Medved is a champion for positive change, an advocate for authenticity and has a heart full of love, life and laughter. She is the host of the Be More You Podcast and author of the book Sh*t You Think You Know. It’s been a wild time in Mon’s life lately and big things are happening. She’s handling her challenges with grace and curiosity, and growing more than she ever expected.

A safe space

" I’m hearing so many stories, experiences and perspectives." Mon shares. "I can’t even explain how emotionally challenging, exciting and confronting it's been. We're giving people a platform to share, and a safe space to not feel judged."

Be More You explores topics we need more honest conversations around in today's culture. But it isn't always easy to be so vulnerable. Mon affirms:

"Sharing is the scariest part, but absolutely necessary. When people see others fully owning who they are, it opens the floodgates for them. There’s so much power in creating a space for people to share their story."

Owning our story

In the first episode of Be More You, Mon tells us that life changes when we own our story. What she didn’t know was just how wild a ride it was about to become!

"When I see the things I'm doing now, I realise I am living my dream." Mon confesses. "I am filmmaking, I am writing, I’m doing all the stuff I want to but in a different way than I pictured. I think that's what we tend to do as humans, setting ourselves up with an idea of how it’s supposed to be, then if it doesn't happen that way, we think we’ve failed. But you’re actually in the middle of it. You just walked through a door you wished would open and you don’t even realise it. I have moments now where we’re doing the podcast or filming and I realise, this is happening. I’ve found my purpose."

Mon hosted The Finally Found Podcast for over a year before Be More You. The podcast guests are often incredibly nervous. For some, it's the first time sharing their personal story. How does Mon meet this level of vulnerability?

"The only person who can tell your story, at the depth at which you understand it, is you. When people come on, I want them to feel like we’re talking over coffee. They’re so nervous until they start talking, next thing it's been two and a half hours. It's because we’re living in the present moment and there's nothing to worry about. When you take a step back and give a person space, you say, ‘Hey, it's okay to open up to me. I might not understand what you're going through, but I can listen.’ At the end of the day, it's about saying to a person I see you, I hear you, I love you for you. You don't need to be anything more than what you already are."

Confusing, messy, beautiful

Since the pandemic, we need community connection more than ever. Hearing people share their personal stories can offer hope, particularly at a point in time where mental health challenges are affecting communities globally. Mon shares some of her story with Sacred and how it's prepared her for the work she does:

"Feelings confuse us, but when we give ourselves the opportunity to sit with it, to ask why we can feel into the answers. It’s a process and it’s tricky, confusing, messy and beautiful all at the same time. Shame and guilt block our self-worth. I’m working through that every single day but I can’t let it hold me back anymore. We only have a limited amount of time to do what we love, so why are we waiting? I think that's the question we need to ask ourselves."

Finally, you're listening

Mon draws incredible strength from the unconditional love she’s cultivated for her inner child. She tells us about a breakthrough experience that took place whilst journeying on foot through the Himalayan mountains.

"I remember being six years old writing a bucket list and I put ‘Mount Everest.’ Part of me thought it was too big a shot, I couldn’t just go to Mount Everest! But I decided to write it down to see what would happen." Mon reflects. Years later she was there for real, revealing:

"It was the most spiritually awakening experience ever. Close to base camp I met this guy who said to me, ‘Remember to look up once in a while.’ I was walking, being in my head and I looked up and it was the closest to heaven I’d ever been. I started crying. It was the moment my six year old self woke up and said to me, ‘Finally, you’re listening.' Everything I've done from that point on has been guided by her."

"We’re the author of our own story, so what’s holding you back? You’re the one with the pen."

Our final question for Monique Medved, who has been an absolute inspiration to spend time with, is of course... what’s her sacred? 

"The promise I made to myself when I was six years old. It's staying true to that, true to her and creating platforms that are helping other people feel less alone. My passion for storytelling is sacred to me too. I know that as long as I keep coming back to my inner child and pursuing my passion of sharing stories, that's it. I'm living my purpose."

Are you inspired by Mon's journey? Us too! Did you know that Ceremonial Cacao can guide you in writing your story? During cacao healing ceremony it relaxes the mind and opens the heart space, so words flow more naturally without thoughts getting in the way. Practices such as free writing are a beautiful accompaniment to cacao ceremony meditation. For everyday use we recommend the full flavour pack of cacao, the healthiest and best tasting cacao powder for your daily Sacred cacao drink. For focus and free writing in particular, try Vitality matcha mint cacao.

Connect with Monique Medved
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Update** Mon now runs the Always A Way Project, building sustainable change through quality education. Find out more.

Words by Laura 
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